Book Shelf - Marie Claire Top 10 - Page 4

4. The Lemon Juice Diet by Theresa Cheung
Synopsis: Lemon juice is the new cabbage soup of the diet world and a major Hollywood fad; the media is full of stories of stars losing weight on diets in which lemon juice is a key feature. "The Lemon Juice Diet" is a safe, delicious way to get thin quickly using this most magical and most fashionable of ingredients. Scientifically-proven to work and easy-to-follow, this diet will help you lose those excess pounds and stay in shape for good. So, what's the secret behind this diet? Lemon juice stimulates the flow of saliva and gastric juice and is an excellent digestive agent. And the health of your digestive system determines how well nutrients get absorbed from your food, how effectively toxins are filtered out and eliminated from your body and how quickly you lose weight. Lemon juice when taken regularly first thing in the morning, acts as a tonic to the liver and stimulates it to produce bile making it ready to digest the day's food. Lemon juice helps lower blood sugar and can lower the glycemic impact of any meal.

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