Book Shelf - Waterstones Top 10 - Page 7

7. Q-factor Diet: The Quality/Quantity Formula for Lasting Weight Loss by Shawn Talbott
Synopsis: Obesity has become the major healthcare problem for the western world. On any given day, millions of people are using one of the dozens of popular weight loss programs. All these diets have one thing in common: they do not take into account the recent discovery of the important connection between the stress hormone cortisol and weight gain. Elevated cortisol levels increase appetite, enhance fat storage and disrupt blood sugar control. By controlling levels of cortisol and blood sugar, people can increase metabolism, which leads to weight loss. Shawn Talbott explained the science in his previous book The Cortisol Connection. Now, The Q-Factor Diet shows how to apply it. Easy-to-read and accessible, this pocket-sized guide shows how to fashion a diet that includes all the favourite foods and still allows weight loss. The program changes metabolic responses to food in order to lose those 'last 20 pounds.' The book includes a three-week log chart diet, exercise and supplements. It gives simple breakfast / lunch / dinner / snack / supplement regimen.

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