Book Shelf - WHSMITH Top 10 - Page 10

10. Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution, Robert C. Atkins
Synopsis: Not a conventional diet book, 'Dr Atkins' New Diet Revolution' shows you how you can lose substantial weight while promising that you need never go hungry. Follow the Atkins' Diet and forget counting calories. Watch the fat melt away as a healthier and firmer body emerges. Enjoy more energy as well as freedom from a range of ailments from diabetes to heart disease. How can one diet do all this? Simple. Ninety-five percent of overweight people have a metabolic, not an eating disorder. The Atkins' Diet boosts your metabolic rate and once your metabolism is changed, your body adjusts automatically to a new way of burning fat. So you can lose weight without reducing - or counting - calories. On the Atkins' Diet you can: eat luxuriously and feel completely satisfied, experience the metabolic boost the Atkins' Diet provides, use a maintenance diet that will ensure you never become fat again, and enjoy mouth-watering, gourmet recipes.

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