Book Shelf - WHSMITH Top 10 - Page 2

2. The F-factor Diet, Tanya Zuckerbrot
Synopsis: Decrying fad diets, board-certified dietician Zuckerbrot devised a diet that emphasizes fiber consumption without worrying much about carbs, fats or calories. The key, she asserts, is combining fiber with lean protein at every meal. Besides all the health benefits fiber provides-discussed here at length-an additional benefit is that, since fibrous foods are more filling, diners feel full more quickly and are likely to eat less. Zuckerbrot lays out a step-by-step plan, complete with recipes and menu suggestions for eating at home and dining out. Yes, there's a recipe for healthful standby Cabbage Soup, but there are also recipes for Broiled Salmon with Dill, Tandoori Chicken and Breakfast Burritos. Even those who don't follow Zuckerbrot's regimen will learn much from her professional insight (she has some choice words for doctors-including bestsellers Dr. Atkins and Dr. Agatson-posing as nutritionists), as well as the fiber and carb content for a huge list of foods. Zuckerbrot's sensible, educational approach and easy-to-follow diet plan make this book worthwhile.

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