Book Shelf - WHSMITH Top 10 - Page 7

7. The New High Protein Diet, Charles Clark & Maureen Clark
Synopsis: 'We've all heard of Jen and Madonna using high-protein diets to lose weight. It's a tricky one to follow safely, but with Dr. Clark's sensible approach us mere mortals can do it too.' - "New Woman." The New High Protein Diet works. It is medically based and scientifically proven, and once you've tried the diet you'll want this brilliant recipe book to help you keep to your healthy new lifestyle. This cookbook is packed with ideas, ranging from breakfast on the run to quick and easy dinners to Sunday lunch. Bread and biscuits will no longer prove your downfall and you'll continue to feel full of energy and vitality as you keep to your low-carb lifestyle. It's easy once you realise how many choices and variations there are available. The recipes make use of delicious fresh ingredients, and are also very easy to follow. And the great news is that even though part of a diet none of the cooking will be cordon bleu size portions. The book includes: Why low-carb?; the New High Protein Diet principles; good carbs and bad carbs; shopping lists; and the recipes.

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