A History Of Diets - Chronology of Dieting - The 1970s
Dr. Atkins wrote the controversial book Diet Revolution that put rice and potato on a par with chocolate eclairs. His high protein, high fat, low carb diet was one of the most successful ever followed. This was founded on sound medical research dating back nearly as far as the birth of Banting!

The Last Chance Diet by Dr Robert Linn promoted a fast; the dieter ate nothing at all. But several times a day the fast was broken by a small drink of the concoction that Linn had invented call Prolinnn. Prolinn, a liquid protein that provided less than 400 calories a day, consisted of ground-up and crushed animal horns, hooves, hides, tendons, bones and other slaughterhouse by-products that were treated with artificial flavours, colours and enzymes to break them down. Linn introduced the idea of extreme dieting and liquid diets emerged spawning products such as The Cambridge Diet and SlimFast etc.

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